Don’t Get Caught In The Dark About New Recreational Fishing Rules

Are you a recreational fisher in South Australia, or could you be in the future? If so, keep reading because this affects you! The South Australian State Government has just announced a wide range of new recreational fishing rules to come into effect on 1 December,...

Aqua Fisheries Conferences Cambodia – Myanmar 2016

Katherine Hawes to speak at the Aqua Fisheries Conference in Cambodia and Myanmar in 2016.   For more information,  please see: Myanmar 28 – 30 September 2016       Cambodia 8 – 9 August...

Article: Smoke and Mirrors

Article: Smoke and Mirrors Despite ship transportation being considered as the most energy efficient mode of transport, it still represents a significant contribution to global emissions. Read more of Katherine Hawes article in Asia Cruise News

Article: Aquaculture Climate Risk and Insurance

Article: Aquaculture Climate Risk and Insurance Get your PDF copy of Katherine Hawes Article in Aqua Culture Magazine July/August 2015 here: – Article Hawes Pages from AQUA Culture _JulAug2015_FA2_LR